Summer Reading Information

OHS 2024 Summer Reading Information

9th grade Honors Summer Reading.pdf

9th Grade Summer Reading Video.webm

10th grade AP Seminar_Honors 10 Summer Reading Assignment.pdf

11th grade AP English 11 Summer Reading 2024

12th grade AP Summer Reading

2024 Summer Reading Help Dates

Quick Facts:
All assignments are due the first day that class meets.
Summer Reading help will be available on the following days on the English Hall:
Tuesday, July 23 from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Thursday, July 25 from 9:00 am - 11: 00 am
Assignments are posted on the school website, and some of the groups also have Google Classroom pages and teacher email addresses, so if you have questions about the assignment, you have a place to ask questions. 

So why do I have to do this assignment?
Research points to how reading over a school break helps keep up skills from the previous school year.
The written components will help give your teacher an idea of where you are with your writing skills so you can get more impactful instruction earlier on.

9th Grade Honors:
Google Classroom Code: agn6yy7

Pick a book on your reading level that interests you. If you are having trouble selecting a title, you can contact Ms. Bridges or Ms.Thornbury.

Read and annotate (take notes) the book.
Select three passages from the book and create an in-depth analysis on each one (using the questions on the assignment handout as a guide).
Complete the Book Review Handout
Samples of the assignment are available on the school website. There is also a Screencastify of Mr. Anglin explaining the assignment. 

10th Grade Honors:
Google Classroom Code: cjotxcv
Read the three assigned texts and craft four paragraphs (a paragraph for each text about the main idea and purpose, and a paragraph about the connections among the three texts). 
You can submit your response on Google Classroom or you can print it and give it to your teacher on your first class day. 

11th Grade AP English Language:
Google Classroom Code: ti7z7io
Read and annotate The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien (available to read on Sora), and complete the following assignments:
Select and reflect on three significant passages.
Answer the attached questions. 
Write a reflective letter. 
You can submit your response on Google Classroom or you can print it and give it to your teacher on your first class day. 
You will have a reading quiz and essay related to the text within the first few weeks of class. It is imperative that we start with a common text to discuss our content to lead up to the preparation of the AP exam in May.

12th Grade AP English Literature: 
Google Classroom Code: xn7v2td
Read How to Read Literature Like a Professor
Make one notecard for each of the first 26 chapters with key definitions, ideas, and quotes; limit yourself so you are summarizing information instead of including every detail.
Select a work of literature from the list OR check with Mrs. Tennant for approval on another text
Read and annotate (either directly in the text or with sticky notes)
You will turn in your annotated text, so do not use an online version of your book.
Due the first day your class meets.


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